Health and Physical Education

At Newbury Primary School, we value physical activity for all students and their families. Once a week all students take part in a Health and Physical Education lesson, which not only allows students to be active, but also challenges their thinking towards physical activity and to live a healthy life.


Prep - 2 

  • Fundamental Movements Skills - jumping, hopping, skipping, running, leaping, galloping, dodging
  • Playground safety
  • Ball Skills - catching, throwing, rolling, target games, ball bouncing and kicking
  • Spatial Awareness
  • Taking turns, sharing, teamwork
  • Two handed strike
  • Skipping
  • Health awareness - some aspects include healthy eating, hygiene and building new friendships

Years 3-6

  • Extending their Fundamental Movement Skills in various games including Invasion Games, Target Games, Striking/Fielding Games and Net/Wall Games.
  • Athletics – shot put, discus, javelin, short distance running, long distance running, running relays
  • Tennis/Badminton
  • Skipping
  • Community Building
  • Movement concepts & strategies
  • Health awareness - some aspects include healthy eating, community work, social media, how to stop bullying and hygiene.

Throughout the year we have multiple incursions during Health and Physical Education sessions including:

  • AFL clinic – kicking, marking, handballing, teamwork
  • Life Saving Victoria – water safety
  • Basketball Clinic – dribbling, shooting, passing, teamwork

The Health and Physical Education curriculum will support students to:

  • access, evaluate and synthesise information so that they can make informed choices and act to enhance and advocate for their own and others’ health, wellbeing, safety, and participation in physical activity across their lifespan
  • develop and use physical, social, psychological and cognitive skills and strategies to promote self-identity and wellbeing, and to build and manage respectful relationships
  • acquire, apply and evaluate movement skills, concepts and strategies to respond confidently, competently and creatively in various physical activity settings
  • engage in and enjoy regular movement-based learning experiences and understand and appreciate their significance to personal, social, cultural, environmental and health practices and outcomes
  • engage in and create opportunities for regular physical activity, as individuals and for the communities to which they belong, which can enhance fitness, movement performance and wellbeing
  • analyse how varied and changing personal and contextual factors shape both our health and physical activity.

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