
The science program at Newbury offers students a chance to experience exciting and hands-on learning through biology, physics, chemistry and earth sciences.


In 2025, the Science program has expanded to include dedicated time in the Cooking Kitchen and Kitchen Garden to make links between food production and making delicious recipes students can take home and enjoy with their families. This program encourages students to be safe and responsible in the kitchen environment and to explore new tastes using the produce grown. Newbury PS is also actively involved with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation and networks with other schools to deliver the program. 


Science aims to ensure that students develop:

  • an interest in science as a way of expanding their curiosity and willingness to investigate the changing world they live in
  • a solid foundation of knowledge of the biological, chemical, Earth and space, and physical sciences
  • an understanding of the dynamic nature of scientific knowledge, including historical and global contributions, and the roles of evidence, peer review and consensus
  • an ability to select and integrate scientific knowledge and practices to explain, predict and understand phenomena and to apply understanding to new situations and events
  • an understanding of scientific inquiry and the ability to use a range of scientific inquiry practices
  • skills in data generation, representation, interpretation, analysis and evaluation
  • an ability to solve problems, evaluate and debate scientific explanations and arguments, and justify conclusions and claims with evidence
  • an ability to communicate scientific understanding and findings to a range of audiences
  • an understanding of the relationship between science and society, including the diversity of science careers.





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