Our Vision and Mission

Our vision at Newbury Primary School:
To provide a dynamic learning community where all students are empowered to learn and achieve personal success.


Our mission at Newbury Primary School:

At Newbury Primary School we are committed to creating a safe, secure, educationally stimulating, calm and nurturing learning environment underpinned by high expectations and the recognition of effort. We focus on the emotional, social and academic development of every student as an avenue of developing confident, creative, compassionate and informed citizens who are actively engaged in their community. The strong sense of community is evident in the continuous, honest and open dialogue between all stakeholders. Newbury Primary School has commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse.


The core beliefs we advocate are:

  • Student wellbeing and engagement is at the centre of all that we do.
  • A positive attitude to academic and social learning is essential.
  • Personal effort is to be recognised and valued.

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