School Wide Positive Behaviour

School Wide Positive Behaviours - School-wide positive behaviours is a whole school framework which provides schools with an approach to promote improved behaviour at their school. School-wide positive behaviour support is an evidence based program, demonstrating the most effective ways to prevent and respond to problem behaviour. Research shows that the school-wide positive behaviours framework is successful in reducing problem behaviour, improving school culture and increasing academic performance.


At Newbury Primary School, our behaviour expectations matrix, implemented since 2018, has been designed to include learning spaces, outside spaces, toilets and the digital world. The matrix reflects our school values of respect, integrity, effort and community. During our Creating a Community time in Term 1 each year, students spend time learning about each of the expectations and revise what the expectations mean as required throughout the year.


Data is collected twice per term on the behaviours of the students in the yard and this data is analysed by the School Wide Positive Behaviour Co-ordinator and also by learning communities.  Areas identified as concerns are then teaching points for their learning communities.


Visual supports around the school further support the implementation of school-wide positive behaviour support at Newbury Primary School.



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