Auslan (Australian Sign Language)

Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community and is the additional language that students are taught at Newbury Primary School. Students will learn how to use hand shapes, facial expressions and the movement of hands, the arms or the body to communicate with others. The Auslan Education Service program enables teachers to use a range of resources to explicitly teach students how to use their hands to communicate with others, as well as providing opportunities for students to engage with members of the deaf or hard of hearing community.


The following information from the Better Health channel provides additional information about AUSLAN.


Elements of Sign Language: Sign languages use a variety of ways to convey meaning. Elements combine with one another to construct the signs on which the language is based. They include:

  • hand shapes – Auslan currently has 38 major handshapes with 28 variants which brings it to the total of 66 handshapes in all
  • orientation – signs can be oriented to four different sides of the body, with the palm and hand facing different directions
  • location – signs may be placed in different locations in relation to the body
  • movement – this includes head, arm and hand movement. Movements can be large or small, depending on the sign
  • expression – this is as important as intonation when speaking. It can include head and facial movements, and facial expression. Many standard gestures, such as shaking the head for no or raising the eyebrows to form a question, are used to convey emotion, emphasis and intensity
  • fingerspelling – Auslan uses a two handed fingerspelling system. When there is no established sign, the word is spelled out on the fingers (for example, when using jargon or a person’s name).

It is important to use all elements of a sign language correctly.

Reference: Better Health Victoria  


If you would like to further support your child’s learning of Auslan at home, Auslan Education Services also have a free YouTube Channel, Auslan Time with Geo.


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